11 mar. 2025  Düsseldorf / Alemania

Sustainability report 2024 

Henkel makes further progress across all areas of its sustainability strategy

  • Climate action: reduction of CO2 emissions in production per ton of product by 64 percent (base year: 2017)
  • Circular economy: use of recycled plastic in consumer goods packaging rises to 25 percent
  • Equal opportunities: significantly more employees take parental leave in 2024; share of women in management climbs to 42 percent
  • Fair working conditions: new additional assessment introduced to ensure living wages worldwide 
  • Governance: first sustainability report applying all content requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) 

Henkel has published its sustainability report for 2024 today. The company has advanced further, especially in the areas of climate protection and circular economy, but also in social issues. Already this year, Henkel voluntarily reports in line with the content-related requirements of the European Union’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and its European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

“We have made great progress and delivered tangible improvements in sustainability over the past year – across all areas of our sustainability strategy,” said Carsten Knobel, CEO of Henkel. “Even in challenging times, we stand by our fundamental values: through our products, processes, and contribution to society, we are committed to a more sustainable world. This is also reflected in our net-zero roadmap aimed at reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent by 2045.” 

“I am proud of our progress on key sustainability initiatives,” said Sylvie Nicol, Executive Vice President Human Resources, Infrastructure and Sustainability. “In 2024, for example, we have increased the proportion of recycled plastic in our consumer goods packaging to 25 percent. And we introduced gender-neutral parental leave of at least eight weeks with full pay worldwide – which has received an excellent response. In addition, we have implemented the first sustainability report in line with the content requirements of the new ESRS, which has also further improved our internal processes.”

New targets for climate protection

By the end of last year, Henkel had reduced CO2 emissions in its production per ton of product by 64 percent compared to the base year 2017 and increased the energy purchased from renewable sources to 47 percent.

Henkel also set Net-Zero targets last year, which cover a larger part of the value chain than its climate targets before. By 2045, Henkel aims to reduce its absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 90 percent. As short-term climate targets, Henkel plans to reduce its absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 42 percent and its absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 30 percent by 2030 (compared to 2021). The new targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), a climate change organization that supports companies in setting GHG reduction targets that are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. By the end of 2024, Henkel had reduced its scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 20 percent (compared to 2021).

To further decarbonize the value chain and better capture CO2 emissions in the supply chain (scope 3), Henkel accelerated its engagement program for its global suppliers last year. It collects emissions data and defines specific measures to reduce emissions.

Sustainable packaging solutions

Henkel has further increased the share of recycled plastic in its consumer goods packaging to 25 percent. By the end of this year, the company expects to reach 30 percent. 

Two examples highlight this progress: In Europe, Henkel has increased the share of post-consumer recyclate in liquid detergent and hair care packaging to at least 50 percent. This includes brands such as Persil, Weißer Riese, Spee and Gliss. In North America, the company has introduced a new packaging for its liquid hand soap Dial, which is now made of 100 percent recycled plastic. 

Henkel also aims to design all consumer packaging for recycling. End of 2024, this share had reached 89 percent. 

With the adhesive innovations of its Adhesive Technologies business unit, Henkel is setting new standards for more sustainable packaging. For example, a new hot melt adhesive of the Technomelt brand, which is used for food packaging, among other things, consists of at least 49 percent bio-based raw materials. At the same time, significantly less energy is required for customers during the application phase of the product.

Equal opportunities and fair working conditions

A milestone in the area of diversity and equality is the gender-neutral parental leave program that the company has introduced for all of its 47,000 employees worldwide. It guarantees a minimum of eight weeks of fully paid parental leave and applies to all family constellations, including adopted or foster children, LGBTQ+ couples and single parents. The response to the offer was very positive; around 30 percent more employees worldwide took parental leave than in the previous year.

In addition, Henkel was able to increase the proportion of women in management to 42 percent. 

As part of its commitment to fair working conditions, the company has introduced an additional annual assessment to ensure that the remuneration of Henkel employees worldwide remains consistently aligned with local living wage benchmarks.

External recognition for sustainability performance

External, independent rating agencies have once again recognized Henkel's sustainability progress. Among others, the ESG rating agency EcoVadis awarded Henkel the Gold Medal. This makes Henkel one of the top five percent of the companies evaluated. In addition, Henkel was recognized as a Top-Rated Company by Morningstar Sustainalytics for its sustainability performance. And the company received another award from Corporate Knights in its 2025 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World ranking. Henkel was also honoured with the Sustainable Future Award 2024 by the F.A.Z. Institute and Cision Germany for its many years of credible sustainability communication.

Climate protection: Henkel aims to achieve net-zero by 2045.

Circular Economy: Henkel is committed to sustainable packaging solutions for its consumer goods.

Social responsibility: With its gender-neutral parental leave, Henkel has reached a milestone in the area of diversity and equality.

Sylvie Nicol, Executive Vice President Human Resources, Infrastructure and Sustainability at Henkel

Sina Pfanschilling Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-9904 press@henkel.com Descargar Tarjeta de Visita Añadir a la Colección
Hanna Philipps Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-3626 press@henkel.com Descargar Tarjeta de Visita Añadir a la Colección